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Fil infos du Groupe ACTION

Bourses ACTION 2025 - Candidatures ouvertes !
M2, thèse de sciences, mobilité aux USA, soins infirmiers, prix de thèse de médecine - Date limite de candidatures : 06 avril 2025

Colloquium "La cardiologie préventive : nouveautés" (mardi 1er avril 2025)
Réservez vos places !

La Grande Journée du Coeur (jeudi 26 juin 2025 à la Chapelle St Louis)
Réservez votre après-midi !



Rationale for an early aldosterone blockade in acute myocard...

Rationale for an early aldosterone blockade in acute myocardial infarction and design of the ALBATROSS trial...


Usefulness of biomarker strategy to improve GRACE score’s pr...

Usefulness of biomarker strategy to improve GRACE score’s prediction performance in patients with non-ST-seg...


Slow response to clopidogrel predicts low response.

Slow response to clopidogrel predicts low response. Publié dans Journal of the Ameri...


Hematomas of at least 5 cm and outcomes in patients undergoi...

Hematomas of at least 5 cm and outcomes in patients undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention:...


Enoxaparin versus unfractionated heparin in elective percuta...

Enoxaparin versus unfractionated heparin in elective percutaneous coronary intervention 1-year results from...


Effect of irbesartan and enalapril in non-ST elevation acute...

Effect of irbesartan and enalapril in non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome: results of the randomized, d...